Friday, April 29, 2011

If you were wondering how those Easter Chicks were made, or who made them...

The Royal Wedding.

The Royal Wedding.

Today we saw William and Kate get married. Here is a video about them.

Royal wedding

Today it is the royal wedding so...

I make this.

Izaac's birthday

Happy Birthday Isaac

Il-Festa t-tajba.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mater Dolorosa.

Spare a thought for all those mothers who are going through a rough patch.

Mother of Sorrows

My Son, could I have climbed this hill for You,

How willingly had I endured each stone:

Yet, I too struggled up steep Calvary;

You have not climbed alone!

Could I have borne the monstrous cross for You,

I would have carried it unto my death.

Though I could not, still I have felt its weight,

My Son, with every breath!

Oh, could I pluck these nails from Your loved flesh,

And driving them through mine, make them a part

Of my own body’s pain,  I would! But Son,

I wear them in my heart!

Virginia Moan Evansem

St. Anthony Messenger

March 1958

Friday, April 15, 2011


Mid-dehra xi uħud minnkom irċevew xi email mingħandi mimli b'ħafna kliem li ma jagħmilx sens.

Ma nafx x'gara imma jien fuq il-HW biss bgħattilkom.

Jekk taraw xi ħaġa mhux f'lokha, ħassruha immedjatament.

L-email tiegħi ġie mwaqqaf għal ftit, għax mid-dehra intbagħtu ħafna mails f'daqqa.

Jien noqgħod attenta mmens u ma jidħolli xejn li jkollu xi virus, imma ma nistax nikkontrolla dak li jkollu ħaddieħor li jikkomunika miegħi.

Nixba ngħid lit-tfal biex ħafna logħob stupidu fuq Facebook (who's viewing your profile u ħafna mbarazz hekk) ma jmissuhx.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Din hija il-pizza


Happy easter mothers and dads

Happy Easter

my piknik

This is my easter egg


No body has a birthday in


Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Day at ÄŠentru Tbexbix.

ÄŠentru Tbexbix is a beautiful house situated in the heart of Cospicua. It is run by volunteers. It is a place where children feel happy and calm. Where they can learn new things and meet people from different countries.

Here are some shots from this lovely day.

Friday, April 8, 2011

pied piper

Dawn biċċiet mill-istorja tal- Pied Piper. L-istorja ta' Pied Piper qegħda hekk: Darba kien hemm raħal kollu ġrieden. Darba waħda kien hemm raġel jismu Pied Piper. Dan ir-raġel kien għamel affarijiet tal-għaġeb, keċċa l-ġrieden kollha minn ġo Ħamelin.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pied Piper

My muffin babies.

Today we had a little Banquet, just like the folk in the Pied Piper story.
I think you all deserved a little break, because you work so hard. Every now and then we do something to celebrate what's good in our class. 
I have 23 very good reasons to celebrate.
So soda, popcorn, crisps, coconut balls, muffins, smarties and all the works were on the menu.
Here's a picture of my muffin monkeys.
Much love and God Bless you all xxx
Miss C.
My Muffin Monkeys <3

Pied Piper


Dan l-iljunfant bsaħtu w kannella. tant li hu bzaħtu li-jista għanka iwaqqa siġra gbira ħafna.

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