Getting children to read and browse newspapers is a great way to get them to read more. Especially if there is a topic in the papers that really interest them. This week's topic, football, really got a few boys going, they were reading together between lessons and during breaks, and discussing the topics. I hope to do a fashion week for the girls soon..(although I do have boys who love fashion and girls who love football too)
From the Woodland Cubs- the things we do in our Nurture Class -Miss Claudine and Miss Claudette
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Football Board.
Waqfa Għar-Riklami.
Għandna riklam hawnhekk, nixtiequkom tagħtu kasu. Grazzi :)
Today we wrote a composition about Spring. First I showed the children a video with all things spring and fresh...they had to watch it 'silently'. While watching it, they had to list down words or draw things they liked from the video. Afterwards we discussed the topic and wrote a few pointers on the board. Each child wrote the paragraphs on her own. At home they have to write the composition neatly on the English Writing copybook and draw a picture. Thankyou.
Division Sums
These sums have been done to exhaustion this week. All children have grasped the concept, altough I would have liked it better if all of them knew the tables through and through.
Here is the kind of 'story sum' we are doing now:
30 marbles
(30 marbles shared between 5 boys)
30 ./. 5 = 6 marbles.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Dream Team...first movie
This is one of the better turned out movies...enjoy. Children were very excited to speak in English on camera. Enjoy.
The Dream Team.
Here is our Dream Team.
(sorry the picture is a bit blurry)
(sorry the picture is a bit blurry)
After 'promising' myself to 'never again' to do a day jam packed with activities...well I i broke the promise. Children were as hyper as ever, they were too excited to be out of uniform for a day...well most of them.
So we started the day by reading the book :
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
In the following posts I'm going to try to upload videos and readings from The Dream Team. Stay tuned.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Division Sums.
This week we are 'growing up' a little and we're starting to do division sums.
Division sums are dead easy, we do them on a single line. All the children have to do is study the multiplication tables real hard.
This site has got LOADS of interactive games regarding multiplication sums.
That will be good training for you for when you get to do division.
How easy is dividing?
ex 18 ./. 3
We start saying the X3 table until we hit 18.
so 6 X 3 = 18
therefore 18 divided by 3 = 6.
Division sums are dead easy, we do them on a single line. All the children have to do is study the multiplication tables real hard.
This site has got LOADS of interactive games regarding multiplication sums.
That will be good training for you for when you get to do division.
How easy is dividing?
ex 18 ./. 3
We start saying the X3 table until we hit 18.
so 6 X 3 = 18
therefore 18 divided by 3 = 6.
Aqleb fi Kmand.
It-tfal iridu jbiddlu s-sentenzi fi kmand.
Attenti għall-ortografija (spelling) u araw li t-tfal jiktbu pulit.
Eżempji :
1. Ħareġ il-qattus fil-bitħa.
1. Oħroġ il-qattus fil-bitħa.
2. Fetaħ il-bieb biċ-ċavetta.
2. Iftaħ il-bieb biċ-ċavetta.
Attenti għall-ortografija (spelling) u araw li t-tfal jiktbu pulit.
Eżempji :
1. Ħareġ il-qattus fil-bitħa.
1. Oħroġ il-qattus fil-bitħa.
2. Fetaħ il-bieb biċ-ċavetta.
2. Iftaħ il-bieb biċ-ċavetta.
Il-Papri u l-fekruna.
Aqra Denfil pġ 57 u 58.
Din l-istorja toħodna fil-kampanja, fejn kien hemm żewġ papri ħbieb ma' fekruna. Naraw x'ġara meta l-fekruna ġiet mistiedna mill-papri....
Mistoqsijiet fuq il-Malti Taħrig il-fehem.
1. X'jisimha l-istorja?
2.Min kien iżurha lil fekruna?
3. Fejn kienet toqgħod il-fekruna?
4. Xi problema kellha l-fekruna beix tmur għand il-papri?
5. Kif solvew il-problema?
6. X'ġara meta fetħet ħalqha l-fekruna?
7. Iddisinja xi ħaga li tista' tgħin lil fekruna biex tmur għand il-papri.
Din l-istorja toħodna fil-kampanja, fejn kien hemm żewġ papri ħbieb ma' fekruna. Naraw x'ġara meta l-fekruna ġiet mistiedna mill-papri....
Mistoqsijiet fuq il-Malti Taħrig il-fehem.
1. X'jisimha l-istorja?
2.Min kien iżurha lil fekruna?
3. Fejn kienet toqgħod il-fekruna?
4. Xi problema kellha l-fekruna beix tmur għand il-papri?
5. Kif solvew il-problema?
6. X'ġara meta fetħet ħalqha l-fekruna?
7. Iddisinja xi ħaga li tista' tgħin lil fekruna biex tmur għand il-papri.
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