Maths Handout : Colour the Fractions.
Malti Hendawt : Kliem imqallbin irrangawhom f'sentenzi.
Way Ahead Work Book p. 89
Malti Hendawt : Kliem imqallbin irrangawhom f'sentenzi.
Way Ahead Work Book p. 89
**Don't forget
Study your tables. You will be tested on your divisions (same as last test) Here is a good page to print to study your tables (2,4,6,8 etc)
Study your tables. You will be tested on your divisions (same as last test) Here is a good page to print to study your tables (2,4,6,8 etc)
You have them on the maths study copybook already, and some of you have the tables songs too. Really...there is no excuse not to know them. You need to know the x2 x3 x4 x5 x10 x11. Click on picture for larger image.
Study animal names.