Friday, March 25, 2011

For my Birthday.

Today we did a lesson on using 'some' and 'any'. I want you to choose three items you want and put their pictures on a 2Publish+ > MY LAYOUT and do something like my one here. I'm sure yours will be much nicer!

Use some /any correctly!

Hints : Use 'import' not 'copy and paste'...this will make your picture much nicer.
Space after a fullstop!
Send me your work on my email so I can tell you if you can blog it or not.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Formola - Poeżija ta' Trevor Zahra.

Fil-klassi għamilna dil-poeżija ta' Trevor Zahra. Il-miss qaltilna biex nagħmlu komik taghħa. Jien taparsi kont il-mama' u l-papa' tiegħi taparsi Paul. Tgħidx kemm dħaqna!
Agħmel klikk fuq l-istampi ħa tarahom ikbar.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ġesu' Jagħżel l-Appostli tiegħu.

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