We are doing doubles. Please study the doubles on the Maths Study copybook.
Handout : Intervista mal-Mama'.
Next week we are going to the Parish Church for an outing. I need some help, because we are going up the belfry (kampnar). I need about 5 parents to help me walk the children up the stairs and help me take care of them when we are near the bell. IF I don't have enough parents helping out, I'll leave this part of the outing out.
Il-Ġimgħa d-dieħla, nhar it-Tlieta 12 ta' Mejju, ser ikollna ħarġa lejn il-Knisja l-Kbira. Għandi bżonn ftit ġenituri voluntiera biex jiġu magħna, peress li għandna l-permess mill-prepostu biex nitilgħu ħdejn il-Qanpiena storika tagħna. Minħabba li hemm mitt tarġa, għandi bżonn l-għajnuna ta' xi ħames adulti. Jekk ma jkollix biżżejjed nies kbar, din il-parti tal-ħarġa ma ssirx. Grazzi.
Please email me on claudine.slater@educ.gov.mt with your questions or comments. Thanks.
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