I gave them a Maltese comprehension (no 15), explained it to them and they have to do it on the Malti Taħriġ il-Fehem. Please encourage children to write neatly and use full answers.
They also have a selection of sums (copied from the board) on Maths 3.
English : Green Book page 33 ex 4. More verbs. These are quite easy.
From the Woodland Cubs- the things we do in our Nurture Class -Miss Claudine and Miss Claudette
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Weekend Homework.
L-Uniformi....it-tieni parti.
Illum it-tfal għamlu intervisti lil xulxin dwar l-uniformi. Idejalment, kont nagħmel dan ilbieraħ qabel il-komponiment, imma kelli xi ftit 'probemi tekniċi'. Illum it-tfal esprimew ruħhom dwar dak li kitbu lbieraħ.
Ħadu gost jiddisinjaw l-uniformi li jixtiequ huma....niprova nitfa' xi tnejn minnhom hawn għax vera ħelwin.
Ħadu gost jiddisinjaw l-uniformi li jixtiequ huma....niprova nitfa' xi tnejn minnhom hawn għax vera ħelwin.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
L-Uniformi (komponiment)
Illum iddiskutejna l-Uniformi.
Ftit hemm tfal li huma favur l-uniformi, għalhekk 'sfurzajt' grupp ta' tfal jaħsbu kontra dak li jħossu...u ħriġna l-punti favur u kontra l-uniformi.
Dawn huma l-kummenti favur l-uniformi.
1) dejjem inkunu puliti u n-nies jagħarfuna
2) ma jkunx hemm bullying għax jista' jkun hemm min ma jkollux ħwejjeg sbieħ jew tad-ditta.
3) il-mama tifranka l-flus għax ma jkollhiex taħsel ħwejjeġ differenti kuljum u ma tonfoqx ħafna flus fi ħwejjeġ tal-moda.
4) l-uniformi hi komda
5) l-uniformi hi diċenti. Kieku ma kellniex uniformi, xi tfal jilbsu qishom sejrin il-baħar.
Argumenti kontra l-uniformi.
1) kulħadd l-istess, isbaħ kieku kollha konna differenti fl-istil u kulur.
2) l-ingravata u ċ-ċoff idejjaqna m'għonqna.
3) ma nħobbux il-qmis..aħjar xi flokk
4) nuqqas ta' liberta'.....jien inħobb nagħżel il-ħwejjeg
5)l-uniformi mhix sabiħa.....aħjar xi ħaġa tal-moda.
Issa l-iskola kitbu l-punti u għamlu xi sentenzi. Id-dar iridu jikbtu s-sentenzi puliti fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti kitba.
Wara jridu jiddisinjaw l-uniformi idejali tagħhom.
Today's Maths Homework
Today they have abacus page 28.
These are the same as the sums we have been doing this week.
The kites all have numbers on them.
Children have to add six to the numbers on the yellow kites, and put the answer on the tail of the kite.
They have to add seven to the numbers on the pink kites, and put the answer on the tail.
The working should be put on the kite itself, there should be enough space if they write neatly.
These are the same as the sums we have been doing this week.
The kites all have numbers on them.
Children have to add six to the numbers on the yellow kites, and put the answer on the tail of the kite.
They have to add seven to the numbers on the pink kites, and put the answer on the tail.
The working should be put on the kite itself, there should be enough space if they write neatly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Naf li issa r-Randan u ma jiswiex, imma bosta talbuni r-riċetta tal-Prinjolata.
Jien ma segwejt l-ebda riċetta partikolari, imma addattajt r-riċetti kollha li qrajt għat-tfal. Ħallejt barra l-użu u t-tisjir tal-bajd minħabba s-saħħa tat-tfal u peress li l-faċilitajiet tal-klassi mhumiex bħal tad-dar.
Użajt lewż, ġellewż, ġewż, Brasil nuts, ċikkulata f'biċċiet żgħar, fingers (hemm min juża pane di Spagna), krema tal-butir (icing sugar + margarine), cirasa, kollox mfarrak u mgħaffeġ u magħġun flimkien. Jekk it-taħlita tkun naqra xotta, żid il-meraq tal-larinġ.
Hawn hu l-video.
Jien ma segwejt l-ebda riċetta partikolari, imma addattajt r-riċetti kollha li qrajt għat-tfal. Ħallejt barra l-użu u t-tisjir tal-bajd minħabba s-saħħa tat-tfal u peress li l-faċilitajiet tal-klassi mhumiex bħal tad-dar.
Użajt lewż, ġellewż, ġewż, Brasil nuts, ċikkulata f'biċċiet żgħar, fingers (hemm min juża pane di Spagna), krema tal-butir (icing sugar + margarine), cirasa, kollox mfarrak u mgħaffeġ u magħġun flimkien. Jekk it-taħlita tkun naqra xotta, żid il-meraq tal-larinġ.
Hawn hu l-video.
In-Numri bil-Malti.
Dil-ġimgħa qed nagħmlu n-numri.
Mill-wieħed sal-mija suppost ikunu jafu jiktbuhom sew.
Tajjeb li ninnotaw li n-numri bil-Malti mill-11 sad-19 jinkitbu b'mod speċjali meta ngħoddu l-oġġetti.
11 mejda =
Dil-ġimgħa qed nagħmlu n-numri.
Mill-wieħed sal-mija suppost ikunu jafu jiktbuhom sew.
Tajjeb li ninnotaw li n-numri bil-Malti mill-11 sad-19 jinkitbu b'mod speċjali meta ngħoddu l-oġġetti.
11 mejda =
ħdax -il mejda
Numru -il oġġett fis-singular
Innotaw is-sing jiġi qabel il mhux bħall l-Artiklu.
Dana kollu qiegħed fil-pitazz tal-istudju.
Verbs are doing words. Today we are doing simple present.
Please note this :
I jump
You jump
He / She / It jumps
We/You/They jump
Homework is on the English exercises.
Children have to insert a verb in the simple present form.
ex :
Kate ______ a book. (reads)
If you want any extra work on verbs, here are some simple worksheets you can download and print.
On the left <---- you will find the links.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Our Wild Animals Project
A few weeks ago we had a project about wild animals. We had a Way Ahead topic, the children did some posters at home, and we had (of course... :D ) a couple of compositions to write. Here is a Youtube I made of the children's photos with the hand puppets. I will upload their writings as well on this post.
I really hope some of you are visiting this blog, and that I'm not rambling here on my own. I get enough of that in class....sigh.
If anybody wants the pictures of their children holding the puppets, kindly email me.
Here are the first few....
I am a lion. I come from Africa. I live in the jungle. I eat deer and zebras. My friends are tigers and crocodiles. I don’t like monkeys or elephants. When I shout I roar! My coat is orange and brown. I have a long mane.
And I run fast.
I am a lion. I come from Africa. I eat zebras and giraffes. My friends re the tigers and my baby lions. I don’t like snakes or crocodiles. I live in a big forest. When I shout I roar. I have a long mane. My coat is yellow and brown. I run fast to catch zebras and giraffes. I am the king of the jungle.
I am a zebra. I come from Africa. I live in the jungle. I eat grass. My friends are the monkey and the giraffe.
I really hope some of you are visiting this blog, and that I'm not rambling here on my own. I get enough of that in class....sigh.
If anybody wants the pictures of their children holding the puppets, kindly email me.
Here are the first few....
I am a lion. I come from Africa. I live in the jungle. I eat deer and zebras. My friends are tigers and crocodiles. I don’t like monkeys or elephants. When I shout I roar! My coat is orange and brown. I have a long mane.
And I run fast.
I am a lion. I come from Africa. I eat zebras and giraffes. My friends re the tigers and my baby lions. I don’t like snakes or crocodiles. I live in a big forest. When I shout I roar. I have a long mane. My coat is yellow and brown. I run fast to catch zebras and giraffes. I am the king of the jungle.
I am a zebra. I come from Africa. I live in the jungle. I eat grass. My friends are the monkey and the giraffe.
The new addition sums.
These are incredibly easy, but they need some time to get used to.
We'll be doing these sums all week...so don't worry if your child has come home a bit confused. I have done these in class extensively, I gave a note in the study copybook and have printed a note too.
Here is the note I gave you :
Basically, we have a 'teen number' to which we are adding a single digit number.
We have to find the pair of 20 of the teen number (the 'friend'). In this case, the friend of 16 is 4.
We need to add 9 to 16 not just 4. So we count on (Ponn) from 4 to 9. The answer to this is 5. In fact, 4 + 5 = 9
So now we have a group of 20 + 5.
Answer is 25.
The Hippo and the Monkey.
Things we did today.
The Hippo and the Monkey.
“Why the Hippopotamus Lives in the Water” proves that the person
who serves arrogance as the main course will get his just deserts.
who serves arrogance as the main course will get his just deserts.
This handout was discussed in class. Children had to write the 'ending' to the story. At home they have to work out the easier tasks, exercises 1 and 2.
First they have to read the story twice.
Then, Exercise 1 is just copying out the sentences and answering 'Yes' for the true statements, and 'No' for the false ones.
Exercise 2 is dividing the list of adjectives into two columns, one for the Monkey, the other for the Hippo.
On the English Writing/Composition copybook.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Il-Bajda li ser inżejnu għall-Għid.
Aktar kmieni llum ippostjajt xi struzzjonijiet kif għandkom tippreparaw il-bajda. (qoxra tal-bajda)
Hawn ser nagħmilhom fil-qasir.
Għandek bżonn :-
bajda (kulur bajda jekk jista' jkun~)
imsella jew labra tas-suf.
ħall abjad.
Taqqab il-bajda b'labra normali fil-parti d-dejqa.
Taqqab il-bajda b'labra tas-suf fil-parti l-wiesa' tal-bajda.
Bil-labra tas-suf, hawwad il-kontenut tal-bajda.
Onfoħ mit-toqba ta' fuq għal ġo bowl
Għaddas il-bajda vojta ġo tazza mimlija ħall abjad.
Wara, poġġi l-bajda taħt l-ilma u laħlaħ sew.
Poġġi fis-sħana ħalli tinxef.
Awguri li jirnexxielkom.
Naħseb dil-ġimgħa ser tieklu froġa kuljum.....
Hawn video qasir fuq kif isir ix-xogħol.
Dan it-tifel tal-video bata ftit għax ma taqqabx il-membrane tal-bajda sew. (Taħt il-qoxra hemm membrane, naħseb kullhadd jaf) Jekk iddaħħal toothpick jew il-labra tas-suf tista tħawwad ġewwa aħjar u jinżel kollox aktar malajr.
Aktar kmieni llum ippostjajt xi struzzjonijiet kif għandkom tippreparaw il-bajda. (qoxra tal-bajda)
Hawn ser nagħmilhom fil-qasir.
Għandek bżonn :-
bajda (kulur bajda jekk jista' jkun~)
imsella jew labra tas-suf.
ħall abjad.
Taqqab il-bajda b'labra normali fil-parti d-dejqa.
Taqqab il-bajda b'labra tas-suf fil-parti l-wiesa' tal-bajda.
Bil-labra tas-suf, hawwad il-kontenut tal-bajda.
Onfoħ mit-toqba ta' fuq għal ġo bowl
Għaddas il-bajda vojta ġo tazza mimlija ħall abjad.
Wara, poġġi l-bajda taħt l-ilma u laħlaħ sew.
Poġġi fis-sħana ħalli tinxef.
Awguri li jirnexxielkom.
Naħseb dil-ġimgħa ser tieklu froġa kuljum.....
Hawn video qasir fuq kif isir ix-xogħol.
Dan it-tifel tal-video bata ftit għax ma taqqabx il-membrane tal-bajda sew. (Taħt il-qoxra hemm membrane, naħseb kullhadd jaf) Jekk iddaħħal toothpick jew il-labra tas-suf tista tħawwad ġewwa aħjar u jinżel kollox aktar malajr.
Malti Taħrig il-Fehem.
Illum għamilna fuq il-Logħob ta' Dari.
Denfil p. 52 u 53.
Mistoqsijiet :
1. X'jisimha l-poeżija u min kitibha?
2. Fuq xiex inhi dil-poeżija?
3. Hemm xi logħob imsemmi li tilgħab int?
4. Hemm xi logħob antik ieħor li int tilgħab?
5. Semmi żewġ (2) raġunijiet għala ħafna minn dal-logħob inqata'.
Illum għamilna fuq il-Logħob ta' Dari.
Denfil p. 52 u 53.
Mistoqsijiet :
1. X'jisimha l-poeżija u min kitibha?
2. Fuq xiex inhi dil-poeżija?
3. Hemm xi logħob imsemmi li tilgħab int?
4. Hemm xi logħob antik ieħor li int tilgħab?
5. Semmi żewġ (2) raġunijiet għala ħafna minn dal-logħob inqata'.
Easter Eggs.
Hello and welcome to my blog.
What we did today :
Reading : We read 'Two Baby Elephants', then we wrote on the 'Stories'. For homework : find pictures of bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and mess the pictures a bit, 'break' a few frames...and there you have it.
listen to the children reading the book :
download link:
or listen to the story here:
listen to the children reading the book :
download link:
or listen to the story here:
Craft : This week I need an egg from each pupil. An empty egg. Here are some instructions on how to prepare the egg. Please send the egg by Friday..Put in a paper bag and write the child's name on the paper. Do not put the paper bag inside the school bag.... I would like the eggshell to be whole. Thanks.
Making Hollow Eggs
This is a way of preserving the decorated eggs, but it's more difficult to work with. The empty egg shell is quite fragile and needs to be handled with care, both during the decorating stage, and also during the long-term storage. Firstly, make a hole in the pointier end of the egg using a small, sharp needle, going through the tough skin inside the shell right through to the yoke. Carefully make the hole larger by chipping at the shell using the needle or a very small sharp knife. When the hole is large enough, insert a knitting needle through to the yoke, and carefully stir, so the yolk is mixed with the egg white. Blowing the Eggs If the eggs are to be “blown”, another smaller hole will have to be made at the other end of the egg, the round side, again using the needle. This hole doesn't need to be as large as the first hole. When it's large enough, and the yolk mixed with the egg white, put the large hole over a basin, bring the egg to your mouth and blow firmly but gently so the contents of the egg are blown through the larger hole into the bowl. Using a Syringe to Empty the Eggs It’s possible to remove the contents of the eggs by using a syringe, and it's then not necessary to make two holes in the eggs. Simply make the one hole, stir the yolk into the egg white, insert the syringe into the hole with the plunger down, and then slowly and carefully pull the plunger up, filling the container with the egg contents. This will have to be done several times, depending on the size of the egg and the syringe. Take care to clean the syringe well after use. Cleaning the Eggshells With Vinegar Before the eggshells can be decorated, they should be cleaned with vinegar. Carefully put some vinegar into the empty shell, swirl it around, or leave it to soak for a while, then rinse out with water, and leave to thoroughly dry. This will ensure there aren’t any remains of egg yolk or white inside the eggshell, to cause a rotten egg smell later. Now the egg is ready for decorating, when it is completely dry, and the holes left in the shell are usually covered with ribbons, beads, or other decorations.
This is a way of preserving the decorated eggs, but it's more difficult to work with. The empty egg shell is quite fragile and needs to be handled with care, both during the decorating stage, and also during the long-term storage. Firstly, make a hole in the pointier end of the egg using a small, sharp needle, going through the tough skin inside the shell right through to the yoke. Carefully make the hole larger by chipping at the shell using the needle or a very small sharp knife. When the hole is large enough, insert a knitting needle through to the yoke, and carefully stir, so the yolk is mixed with the egg white. Blowing the Eggs If the eggs are to be “blown”, another smaller hole will have to be made at the other end of the egg, the round side, again using the needle. This hole doesn't need to be as large as the first hole. When it's large enough, and the yolk mixed with the egg white, put the large hole over a basin, bring the egg to your mouth and blow firmly but gently so the contents of the egg are blown through the larger hole into the bowl. Using a Syringe to Empty the Eggs It’s possible to remove the contents of the eggs by using a syringe, and it's then not necessary to make two holes in the eggs. Simply make the one hole, stir the yolk into the egg white, insert the syringe into the hole with the plunger down, and then slowly and carefully pull the plunger up, filling the container with the egg contents. This will have to be done several times, depending on the size of the egg and the syringe. Take care to clean the syringe well after use. Cleaning the Eggshells With Vinegar Before the eggshells can be decorated, they should be cleaned with vinegar. Carefully put some vinegar into the empty shell, swirl it around, or leave it to soak for a while, then rinse out with water, and leave to thoroughly dry. This will ensure there aren’t any remains of egg yolk or white inside the eggshell, to cause a rotten egg smell later. Now the egg is ready for decorating, when it is completely dry, and the holes left in the shell are usually covered with ribbons, beads, or other decorations.

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