Friday, November 6, 2009

The homework

We've got a handout, where we have to compare stuff (and people) in the house to our one metre length. Then we have to write 'longer' or 'shorter' on the handout. 

Fuq il-MaltiManija (g u o) tridu taħdmu l-eżerċizzji tal-Maskil u Femminil. 
U f'ġieh kemm hemm....aqraw it-titlu u l-istruzzjonijiet li hemm fuq il-ktieb qabel ma tibdew tfattru!!

Għandkom ukoll xi ħendawts tal-Ambjent...pinġuhom u lestuhom halli nhar it-tnejn naħdmu fuqhom. :)

Studjaw ix-xhur tas-sena u aqraw Id-Denfil 'Kif taqsam' u l-istorja ta' warajha.

For the weekend

Today we did a lot of work on Global Warming, for our school comenius project. Here is one of the things that we did.

All our work related on 'green issues' will be put here, together with the other year threes' work.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

L-Aħħar Bidwi...

Iċċekjaw l-email inbox tat-tfal għax bgħattilhom il-kollegament (link) biex inizzlu mp3 tal-kanzunetta li kantaw huma stess. :)


(jew inkella ibgħatu pendrive/cd l-iskola u ntihielkom xorta)

jew klikjaw hawn

Today's Homework.

Children have study list 4 in their English Study copybook. Please study this a little bit every day, that's how you get the best results.

On the Maths squares copybook, they have to draw lines according to the measurments given. This time the lines are vertical.

Children have to get a 1 metre length (not more, not less) of string or ribbon, to use for a measuring exercise.

Way Ahead Workbook, pages 16, 17, 18.

On their Maltese composition they have a few sentences, which they have to copy correctly on a neat piece of paper.

I have a copy of 'L-Aħħar Bidwi f'Wied il-Għasel' on my drive, sung by the children. They will do a performance in front of teachers who are visiting our school for the Comenius project. If you want a copy of this recording, please send the pen-drive to school, so your child can practise over the weekend. Many thanks.


Here is what we are doing at the moment. It's very important that children learn how to use measuring tools properly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Illum tkellimna fuq il-Qaddisin kollha (1 ta' Novembru) u l-mejtin tagħna (2 ta' Novembru. It-tfal iridu jsibu stampi tal-Qaddisin favoriti (eż Santa Liena) u fuq il-paġna l-oħra jridu jsibu xi ritratti ta' nies li jafu u li mietu jew jiktbu isimhom.

Malti Taħriġ.

Illum qrajna l-istorja tad-Denfil 'Li Kieku'. It-tfal iridu jwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet fuq din l-istorja. Illum bdejna sistema differenti, li t-tfal jiktbu l-mistoqsijiet l-ewwel, u t-tweġibiet wara. Għalhekk mintomx ser taraw linji vojta bejn mistoqsija u oħra.

Monday, November 2, 2009

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