Friday, November 13, 2009

This weekend's homework

'Stedina' - Ħendawt tal-Malti, it-tieni eżerċizzju. (Fuq it-taħriġ)

Maths - Revision handout. The number names can be found on the English study copybook.

English handout - Opposites crossword.

Malti Studju : Tinsewx li tridu tistudjaw il-kliem tal- i u ie.

Solid Shapes.

Here is a good explaination for solid shapes. Solid shapes are not just a Maths thing, they are everywhere around us. Would be good if children learn now to find them in their every day life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Is on Maths 1.

Children have to write the shape of the object described.

For example

What shape is a clown's hat? 
Answer : A cone.

They Also have a handout called 'Hiding'. They have to work out Ex 1 and 2 on the English Comp copybook.
For exercise 1, they have to fill in with a word from the passage. For exercise 2 they have to copy only the 'true' (good) sentences.

Some children have the book called 'Jolly Hungry Jack' or 'The Enormous Turnip' for reading in their bags. They are to bring the book with them tomorrow.

Tajthom ħendawt jisimha 'Stedina'. Iridu jaħdmu eż 1 biss, fuq il-pitazz tat-taħriġ.

Oxford Reading Tree Online

I'm sure most of the children came home all excited about the interactive software we are using at school.

Click HERE

On the left hand side, there are two boxes for the 'username' and 'password'. Most of the children know how to input these by heart now. I won't publish the username and password (for which the school has paid for) on this blog, for obvious reasons, but you can find them on your children's email address.

Please start from 'reception'. Do not use Year 1 and Year 2 yet.

Thanks and Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Solid Shapes - Also known as 3-d shapes.

The Shapes.

At the moment we are studying the following shapes :

cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, cone, triangular prism.

here is a handout with some flashcards so maybe the children can remember the names better.  **CLICK**


Dawn huma importanti ħafna għax it-tfal
jidraw isebbħu l-kitba krejattiva tagħhom.

Għad dar iridu jaħdmu Malti Manija (g u o) paġni 12 u 13. It-tfal fil-klassi ħeġġiġthom li jużaw daqxejn l-immaġinazzjoni, u ma jiktbux 'kbir, zgħir, sabiħ' biss għal kull kelma li jkollhom.

Aġġettivi ppt

Hawn taraw presentazzjoni dwar l-aġġettivi

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