Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to make a Christmas wreath you can eat.

You need...

3 cups of marshmallows (those small ones you put on your hot chocolate)

One cup of margarine.

Some vanilla essence and green food colouring.

Four cups of cornflakes.

Method : Put the butter in the microwave for one minute on LOW.
add the marshmallows, stir. Put in for one minute again on LOW. Stir.
Put in microwave for one minute on LOW and stir again.

...Stir until it all comes creamy... (the marshmallows have melted and mixed with the margarine).

Add a few drops of food colouring and vanilla essence.

Add the cornflakes, stir gently, until all cornflakes are covered in green goo.

Now shape portions of cornflakes into circles.

Decorate with colourful sweets.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tfal beżlin tal-Milied.

Dil-ġimgħa fil-klassi mimlija attivita'. Tistennewx li ser ikollhom ħafna homework.
Illum lestejna kartolina sabiħa. Min minnkom ma bagħatx 'glitter glue', ibgħatu stoċċ għada ħalli nlestuha.

Għada ser immorru nimpostaw il-kartolina lin-nanniet. Min ma bagħatx dawk, ħudu ħsieb...

Wara ser insajru. Ibagħtu fardal, maktur tar-ras jew beritta, fardal, sarvetta u pakkett wipes. U euro għax ser nixtri kollox jien. Nispera li ma nqabbdu ugigħ ta' żaqq lil ħadd.

Il-Ġimgħa ser nagħmlu l-mima tal-Vanġelu, kulħadd jaf x'għandu jagħmel (iftħu naqra d-diary)

It-Tnejn ser nilbsu għall-Purċissjoni

It-Tlieta PARTY. Ibgħatuhom bi flixkun x'jixorbu biss. Iktbulhom isimhom fuq il-flixkun.

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