Friday, October 23, 2009

For the Weekend.

It-tfal għandhom lista ta' kliem bil-Malti x'jistudjaw għad-dettat nhar it-Tnejn. Għandhom il-ġranet tal-ġimgħa u l-istaguni. Ħafna minnhom jafuhom diga'.

Għandhom ukoll ħendawt fil-flat file abjad.

Handwriting : This week we have the letters that go down like a monkey's tail.

Abacus Textbook : Page 3. Do not draw the pictures, just write the sums on Copybook 1.

Abacus workbook page 14. The children worked the sums at school, or most of them. Now they have to colour the shapes according to the answers.
Answer 10 : Green
Answer 5 : Brown
All the other answers : Blue

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ix-xogħol tal-lum.

Studji Soċjali : Nies li jgħinuna. Ikkopjaw dawk is-sentenzi irrigati biss fuq Id-Dinja Tiegħi. Waħħlu xi stampi li għandhom x'jaqsmu. Dan ix-xogħol hu għal nhar it-Tnejn ħalli ntikom ċans issibu l-istampi.

English Dictation : Children have word list 2 on the English Study copybook. English Dictations are on Thursdays.

Maltese Dictation will be on Mondays. List will be given tomorrow.

Il-Healthy Breakfast.

Illum kif tafu konna l-healthy breakfast. It-tfal kielu ċereali li fihom anqas zokkor, u ħadu jowgart ukoll.

Ixxukkjajt ruħi kif minn klassi ta' għoxrin, sebgha
biss jieħdu kolazjon kif suppost. Is-sebgha li jieħdu, fil-maġġoranza jieħdu ċereali taċ-ċikkulata.

Mhux ta' b'xejn li meta ddoqq il-qanpiena tal-brejk ikunu jridu jibilgħuh il-ħobż.

Hafna tfal li jkunu fuq stonku vojt ma jikkonċentrawx. Hemm bżonn li jiġu l-iskola b'xi ħaġa sustanzjuża ġo fihom. Ċereali, ħobż mixwi, frotta...ttuhomx kejkijiet u gallettini għax ħafna zokkor iraqqadhom.

Għada ser nagħmlu il-fruit break, nispera li nara aktar tfal bil-frott fil-basket. Jistgħu jġibu jowgart (mhux minn dawk tal-ismarties jew mimlijin zokkor). Min iġib frotta/ħaxix/jowgart ser jieħu stilla fuq iċ-ċart tal-frott.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today is Wednesday.

So, as always, we don't give homework. I hope you go for a nice walk, a nice drive, spend time with your parents and loved ones. Maybe kick a ball or ride a bike. Fly a kite or walk your dog.

Tomorrow we have dictation. Most of you are prepared. Do spend a few minutes going over the List 1, which is on the English Study Copybook.

Also, tomorrow we are having A Healthy Breakfast, so please come to school smart in your uniform. Thankyou :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Maths : Counting Back.

Today we had some activity in the classroom.
Each group was given a 'whiteboard', a marker, a dice, and a set of cards showing from 10-20.

Each member of the group had to turn over one card, write the number on the whiteboard.

Then they roll the dice, and they minus that number from the big one.

Then we take out fingers showing the amount shown on the dice, and we count back from the big number.

ex 16 - 9 = 7
( 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7)

For homework they have some counting back sums.

Watch This!!

Here is the cartoon we watched in class. We have the work on the My Stories Project Book. For homework, you have to draw the picture of the monster, or something from the story on the My Stories project book. Don't worry if your drawing is not too good, mine are not that good either :)

I will post some of your drawings next week.

Not now, Bernard.

Today we are going to read this fantastic book in class.

I read the story for you, in case you want to listen to it again.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW tal-Malti.

Wara li taraw il- Powerpoint li poġġejtilkom fil-post ta' qabel din, tistgħu taħdmu MaltiManija g u o paġna 7.

Ħafna mit-tfal ma kinux jafu x'inhu vulkan, x'inhi l-Etna, xi tkun Belt Kapitali, id-differenza bejn pajjiz u belt...nixtieqkom jekk għandkom Atlas id-dar uruhom ftit, u tkellmu magħhom.

Kelma b'Oħra.

Illum fuq id-Denfil qrajna l-istorja li hemm fuq paġna 13. Fuq il-pitazz issa mxejna 'l quddiem. Fejn qabel kienu jimlew il-vojt, issa jridu jibdew iwieġbu. Għal bidu ser nibdielhom it-tweġiba jien, imma 'l quddiem ser ikollhom ifittxuha huma.

Rajna dan il-vidjo waqt li qrajna l-istorja.

Mistoqsijiet kienu dawn :

1) X'jisimha l-istorja? 2) X'kien qed jagħmel it-tifel?
3) X'beda jgħajjat?
4) X'għamlu l-irġiel? 5) X'għamel kif waslu ħdejh?
6) Fl-aħħar min ġie?
7) Min tah widen? 8) X'għamillu l-lupu?

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