From the Woodland Cubs- the things we do in our Nurture Class -Miss Claudine and Miss Claudette
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Photos from the Science Investigation.
Il-HW tal-Abacus n9
Għamiltilkom video biex nispjega l-HW. Toqgħodux tidħqu bija tafux!
Note on Possessive Pronouns
Nota fuq l-aġġettivi
Monday, November 18, 2013
N10 Adding using friends of 10
Saturday, November 16, 2013
On Friday 15/11 I told the children to come in their winter uniforms...I forgot that Monday was PE day. Please send them to school in the winter PE kit.
Nhar il-Ġimghħa 15/11 jien lit-tfal għedtilhom biex it-Tnejn jiġu bl-uniformi tax-xitwa...kont insejt li nhar it-Tnejn imisshom PE. Jekk jogħġobkom ibgħatuhom bil-PE kit tax-xitwa.
Nhar il-Ġimghħa 15/11 jien lit-tfal għedtilhom biex it-Tnejn jiġu bl-uniformi tax-xitwa...kont insejt li nhar it-Tnejn imisshom PE. Jekk jogħġobkom ibgħatuhom bil-PE kit tax-xitwa.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Avviż importanti
Minn nhar it-Tnejn, 11 ta' Novembru, fil-klassi ser ikollna studenta għalliema mill-Universita' ta' Malta. Dan ifisser li l-lezzjonijiet ser tagħmilhom Miss Christina mhux jiena. Pero' nixtieq inserraħ moħħ kulħadd li x-xogħol ser isir skont il-pjanijiet tiegħi, bl-istess ammont ta' homework u xogħol tal-iskola. Nitlobkom tagħtu l-koperazzjoni sħiħa lil Miss Christina bħalma dejjem tajtu lili. Jien ser nibqa' nżomm kuntatt kuljum mat-tfal, u ser ngħin lill-istudenta għalliema fix-xogħol tagħha.
Grazzi ħafna.
Xi darba, 20 sena ilu, kont studenta għalliema ġo skola jien ukoll. Kont kuntenta ħafna għax il-ġenituri laqgħuni u aprezzaw ix-xogħol tiegħi. Nispera li Miss Christine issib l-istess.
Monday, October 21, 2013
This week's Maths lesson.
This is NOT today's lesson but it explains how this week's sums are done!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Literacy : This Week's Story
Not now, Bernard.
As your children about it. They loved it :)
As your children about it. They loved it :)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Do you want to tell me anything?
I cannot answer you back unless you leave an email address.
Ma nistax inweġibkom lura jekk ma ttunix indirizz elettroniku...miniex saħħara nagħmel il-maġija jien.
Ma nistax inweġibkom lura jekk ma ttunix indirizz elettroniku...miniex saħħara nagħmel il-maġija jien.
or scan this with your phone
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Today's Who and What lesson.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Check the homework tab.
On this blog, there's a tab called 'homework', which I try to update every day. Please check it as I do not have the time to check everybody's diary in class.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Our Class has a very generous guardian angel.
A while ago, I posted a wishlist on a 'thank a teacher' type of page.
Someone saw what we do in our class on this blog, and decided to grant me my wish. I think I was granted more than what I wished for.
Every year, I do a lot of lessons on Space. We have Space week, where we'll research, write and learn about anything that's above our sky.
This year, lucky 3.4, they're going to be even more excited.
I just wanted to say thank-you to this very generous person.
Someone saw what we do in our class on this blog, and decided to grant me my wish. I think I was granted more than what I wished for.
Every year, I do a lot of lessons on Space. We have Space week, where we'll research, write and learn about anything that's above our sky.
This year, lucky 3.4, they're going to be even more excited.
I just wanted to say thank-you to this very generous person.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Welcome to my class!
I would like to say a big hello to all the children in 3.4.
Do your best and we're going to have such a great time together!
Miss Claudine
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Last Day
Wish you all a very happy holiday, and all the best for the future.
Friday, May 31, 2013
The next Olympic games (this is for my dad)
The next Olympic games will be held in Rio. Rio is the capital city of Brazil. Brazil is in South America. This is the logo of the next Olympics.

Mattea's newspaper
Shanaia's Newspaper
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My favourite game on roblox
My favourite game on roblox is robloxity you can be people who work there are lots of jobs you can be a teacher,police,hairdresser and a thief there are much more jobs. You can also buy a car and steel other cars from diffrent people. They have guns to shoot bad people and good.
This is a picture.

This is a picture.
Whales are very big they eat allot of sea creatures. They eat allot because they have an enormous stomach and a huge mouth. They also have sharp teeth to kill sea creatures and eat it. Whales get there babies in March,April or May. I don't like whales so much.
This is a picture of a whale with her baby.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
About tigers
Tigers are the largest of the big cats, with huge heads and growing 2.5m long.The long tail adds almost another metre.Tigers are instantly recognizable by their stripes.But in the forest areas of southern Asia where they live,their black stripes on a gold background act as camouflage.Their chins and stomachs are white.Tigers prey on large animals such as deer,buffalo,antelopes and wild pigs, hunting mainly at night. But it takes a tiger a lot of effort to make a kill;nine out of ten times, the victim will actaly make a getaway.
This is a picture of a tiger!!
This is a picture of a tiger!!
Forsi ma fhimtunix
Tlabt li ma jiġux stikers l-iskola.
U bdew ġejjin il-cards.
Tlabt li ma jiġux cards tal-mushi monsters,
U bdew ġejjin pokits, lapsijiet, gomom u x'naf jien tal-mushi monsters.
Tlabt li ma jiġux brazzuletti (għax hawn moda ġdida tal-loom bands)
U bdew jiġu l-loom bands forma ta' keychain.
Mhux għax jien kapriċċuża u rasi iebsa, imma għax kien qed ikolli ammont sostanzjali ta' bullying fuq dan l-imbarazz li kien qed itellifli l-lezzjonijiet, barra li jkun hemm min moħħu aktar fl-affarjiet milli fil-lezzjoni. Għall-ġieħna, il-lezzjonijiet tiegħi ikunu mimlijin attivita u gost, u nagħmel ħin twil niprepara. Ma nagħmilx siegħa sħiħa kitba jew xi siegħa nparla nraqqadhom.
Kont qed nieħu gost narahom ipartu u jaqsmu, imma meta rajt li kien hemm ġlied, inkejja u għira bla waqfien, allura iddeċidejt.
Issa min ikompli jisfida r-regoli tal-klassi, nirriserva d-dritt li nieħu dak li mhux suppost jinġieb u ma jingħatax lura, bħalma jsir f'kull skola f'Malta. Issa nispera li kollox ċar, bla skużi. Jien hawn irrid li t-tfal jieħdu gost u jitgħallmu. Ma niġix ix-xogħol biex noqgħod inferraq u naħli TLETT KWARTI KULJUM JEW AKTAR fuq il-ġlied u paroli fil-vojt.
(U mbarazz ieħor li jtellef jew jaqla' l-ġlied. )
Friday, May 24, 2013
How long was the hundred years war?
The hundred years' War began in 1337 and continued for more than a century. It was not a single war but a series of skirmishes between England and France. It began when the English tried to dominate France,and the French in turn tried to confiscate lands occupied by the English.
The English invaded France and won a great battle at Crecy. The British archers with their longbows defeated a much larger army of knights, marking the beginning of the end for mounted nights. Further battles followed, but in 1396 Richard II of England married the daughter of Charles VI of France, establishing a 20 year truce that finally ended the fighting
This is a picture of the hundred years war.
The English invaded France and won a great battle at Crecy. The British archers with their longbows defeated a much larger army of knights, marking the beginning of the end for mounted nights. Further battles followed, but in 1396 Richard II of England married the daughter of Charles VI of France, establishing a 20 year truce that finally ended the fighting
This is a picture of the hundred years war.
How did the Olympic games begin?
The Olympic games started as a religious festival held in ancient Greece in honour of Zeus, the king of the gods. The festival was held at Olympia, below Mount Olympus, the home of gods, every four years. The first staging of the Olympic game that we know of was in 776BC. People came from all over Greece to take part in or watch the games. The winners of sport such as running and discus were rewarded with crowns of olive leafs. The games continued until AD393 when the ruling Romans banned them. They were revived during the 1800s after archaeological finds renewed interest in Greece. The first of the modern Olympic games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. The modern Olympic games are divided into winter and summer events, which take place two years apart.
This is a picture of the Olympic flag
This is a picture of the Olympic flag
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Electricity is the energy that makes everything from toasters to tube trains work.It is also linked with magnetism. Together they form basic forces that holds the universe together- electromagnetism.Electricity starts with atoms and tiny parts of each atom are called electrons.Just as magnets are drawn together,so electrons are drawn to the center of the atom.This attraction is called' electric charge'.Electrons have a ' negative' charge; atomic centers a ' positive' one.It is the combined attraction of billions of tiny electrons to billions of tiny atom centers that creates electricity.
My Favourite Team
This is a football team. I like this team. It is AC Milan. I want that some day I will go and see them in Italy, but you need lots of money to go. So I have to watch them on TV. I always wish them good luck.
Friday, May 17, 2013
This is our horse. Her name is Lily. It belongs to my uncle. She is a girl horse. I go with my grandma to see her. Once I rode her with my uncle. I love her very much.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Of Chocolate and Travels.
This week we read a book called 'From a Bean to a Bar'. It is about how chocolate is made.
We had a chocolate fondue in class
Then we proceeded with learning about Fair Trade and the Rainforest Alliance. A chocolate bar that has the logos of Fair Trade and The Rainforest Alliance is more ethical than other bars.
This week we were learning about holidays and postcards, so by *sheer coincidence* we found a Golden Ticket in a chocolate bar. This Golden Ticket gave us a free plane ride to anywhere in the world. We went to China, Australia, Jamaica ...see for yourselves in the posts below. I just wish some children didn't disrupt so much, so that we can have more fun learning interesting stuff like this everyday.
We had a chocolate fondue in class
Then we proceeded with learning about Fair Trade and the Rainforest Alliance. A chocolate bar that has the logos of Fair Trade and The Rainforest Alliance is more ethical than other bars.
This week we were learning about holidays and postcards, so by *sheer coincidence* we found a Golden Ticket in a chocolate bar. This Golden Ticket gave us a free plane ride to anywhere in the world. We went to China, Australia, Jamaica ...see for yourselves in the posts below. I just wish some children didn't disrupt so much, so that we can have more fun learning interesting stuff like this everyday.
Mariah went to Paris
Matthias went to Canada
Mattea goes to London
Khayr goes to Singapore
Rayhan from Australia
Yasmin writes from Canada
Kurt goes to Brasil
Ranya from Paris!
Kieran goes to Italy
Aidan goes to Pisa
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