Monday, November 30, 2009

Extra Work.

I have a lot of work cards in my class that the pupils can do as extra work. If your child wants to do these work cards (most of them do) please give them an extra copybook, and cover it in any colour you want (as long as it's not a colour we are already using).
More workcards done, more points!

And...extra work is done for pleasure and satisfaction, not as a punishment :)

Today's Homework

You have List 7 to study for Thursday (clothes)

Do a few words every day, they are easy :)

(here are some pictures, but you have more on your copybook)

* * *
Studjaw lista  6 għall-nhar it-Tnejn

* * *
Maths 2 (adding using friends of 10)
And about friends of ten...half the class does not know them by heart. I insist on everybody studying, and I will keep on drilling and giving work until everybody knows them properly!
* * *
Denfil qari p 26 - 28

Wieġeb fuq it-Taħriġ.
* * *

Friday, November 27, 2009

Araw tistghux tifhmu minn hawn.

Dan hu kif ser naħdmu s-somom il-ġimgħa d-dieħla.

Homework for the Weekend.

 English Comprehension : David's Holiday.

I got the children to underline all the answers from the passage...but they are not numbered, so they will have to use their heads a bit. I wanted to help them a little, since this is a 'harder' comprehension.

Maths Sums.
I only just started these, and I gave only a few sums, because they are quite hard. 

8 + 6 =
********         ******               
First find the friends of 10
8 + 2 + 4
Then add whatever is left to make 6
******** **  ****  
8 and 2 make 10
10 and 4 = 14

( I will post a youtube of the process after school....don't panic!)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A big thankyou!

A big thankyou to all the mummies and daddies who came along for parents evening today. I am very happy teaching your children and I have full faith in your work and support. We had 100% parent attendance, and all parents are just great! What more can a teacher say but....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Xogħol tal-Malti.


Agħti l-Plural.

1. Tifla ferħana
1. Bniet ferħanin.

2. Perit magħruf.
2. Periti magħrufin.

eċċ...fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti lingwa.

Maths homework

Exercise 1 :

Children are given two numbers and they have to find any two numbers that are in between

E.g :

10        21          24           36

Exercise 2:

Children are given 2 numbers.

They have to arrange them smallest first.

Then they have to find an ODD number that goes between these two numbers.

36    21 >    21  smallest          33 odd number in between            36 largest

Ir-Regoli tal-Malti

Ma nafx tafux, imma ilna xi żmien b'xi regoli ġodda tal-Malti.

Għal min jinteressah, hemm xi reviżjonijiet fuq kif jinkitbu ċerta kliem, tistgħu tarawh hawn

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's Homework

Malti : Illum għamilna komponiment l-iskola fuq 'Il-Ħabib tiegħi', bl-iskop li jintużaw l-aġġettivi li tgħallimna matul dawn il-ġimgħatejn. It-tfal jridu jikkupjawha fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti kitba (xi wħud lestewha l-iskola) u jpinġu stampa ta' dal-ħabib/ħabiba fuq il-Malti kitba wkoll.

Malti Taħriġ : Aqraw l-istorja ta' Ġaħan u l-Bieb.

Aħdmu t-taħriġ li hemm fuq il-Malti taħriġ, u tagħmlux bħal Ġaħan!
Maths : The in-between numbers.
Page 23 : you have two numbers already filled up, you have to put in any number in between

e.g : 17   21   23

You can choose 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 ... any one of these.

On page 24, you have to arrange the smaller number first, and the larger number on the last fish. Then do the same as page 23.

Little homework??

Download this handout   and work it out. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Xi ħaġa tal-Malti

Biex tiprattikaw ftit, naqra tqila...imma ħej, issa qed tikbru.

Pictures from the Fun Day at Cottonera.

Big thanks to the P.E teachers who organised a great day, full of non stop activity, for all the year three children attending St.Theresa College. Well done to all our pupils, who behaved themselves really well.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 20, 2009

Next week's Maths.

Next week children will be learning about 'in between'. Here is a preparation handout that will help them understand next week's lesson better.

Question of the Day

How do you get a bunch of cute baby monkeys to lay on the floor together and stay quiet for a photo?

You can't.

My favourite bunch of kids in the whole world, the cutest and the best.
Having fun together.
Thanks for a great day. xxx, miss.
Oh and happy birthday dear Calvin.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sports Day Tomorrow.

Our Year three children will take part in the St.Theresa College Sports day, at the Cottonera Sports Complex.

Please send them with the winter P.E kit, but with the summer top underneath.

Make sure that all uniform pieces are  marked with your child's name and surname.

No satchel.

Small bag with lunch, water, fruit, cereal and the pencil case too.


Something for you to enjoy

Don't Panic! All homework is ~*for Monday*~

 English :

Green Book page 12 Ex 6.
To work this you need to look at the 'noticeboard' on page 24 of the Way Ahead.
Green Book page 13 ex 2


Ħendawt 3 : Lejla Maltija eż 1 u 2 biss. Sibu t-tweġibiet minn fuq il-paragrafu ta' fuq u mill-poster.



Odd and Even handouts on the flatfile.

In the Mouse handout, colour the ODD numbers only
In the Baseball handout, colour the EVEN numbers only.
In the Sums handout, do the sum and say if the answer is ODD or EVEN
In the Numbers handout, just say if the number is ODD or EVEN.


List 6 on English Study is for Thursday


Studjaw Lista 4 għal nhar it-Tnejn.

Qari bil-Malti : Denfil paġni 24  u 25

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's work.

Sorry I didn't have much time to blog from the classroom, as we had a super busy day.

Children have homework from the Green book, page 11 (they have to get the answers from pages 22 and 23 of the Way Ahead Pupil's Book)

For Maths, they have PCM, odd and even page...instructions on the book itself.

Malti : Is-Saħħara l-Kerha minn fuq Malti Manija.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Reliġjon - It-Tieġ ta' Kana.

Illum tgħallimna fuq it-tieġ ta' Kana. L-ewwel miraklu.
Hawn biċċa film vera sabiħa, mill-Vanġelu ta' Ġwanni.


Iċ-Ċawla u l-Volpi.

Illum rajna dan il-filmat ċkejken. Tfejna l-volum u qrajna l-istorja li qegħda fuq Denfil pagna 23.

Ma nistax nuri l-vidjo fuq il-Blog, għalhekk morru fuq HAWN.

Għandhom il-mistoqsijiet fuq il-pitazz. L-aħħar mistoqsija jridu jiktbu x'inhuma jaħsbu ċ-ċawla u l-volpi wara l-istorja.

Issa bdejna sistema ġdida. L-ewwel niktbu l-mistoqsijiet kollha u nwieġbu wara. MA rridx nara żbalji tal-ortografija (spelling) speċjalment meta l-kelma hi miktuba diġa' fil-mistoqsija.
L-ewwel kelma ta' kull sentenza tibda b'ittra kapitali.
Agħmlu t-tiswija.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This weekend's homework

'Stedina' - Ħendawt tal-Malti, it-tieni eżerċizzju. (Fuq it-taħriġ)

Maths - Revision handout. The number names can be found on the English study copybook.

English handout - Opposites crossword.

Malti Studju : Tinsewx li tridu tistudjaw il-kliem tal- i u ie.

Solid Shapes.

Here is a good explaination for solid shapes. Solid shapes are not just a Maths thing, they are everywhere around us. Would be good if children learn now to find them in their every day life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Is on Maths 1.

Children have to write the shape of the object described.

For example

What shape is a clown's hat? 
Answer : A cone.

They Also have a handout called 'Hiding'. They have to work out Ex 1 and 2 on the English Comp copybook.
For exercise 1, they have to fill in with a word from the passage. For exercise 2 they have to copy only the 'true' (good) sentences.

Some children have the book called 'Jolly Hungry Jack' or 'The Enormous Turnip' for reading in their bags. They are to bring the book with them tomorrow.

Tajthom ħendawt jisimha 'Stedina'. Iridu jaħdmu eż 1 biss, fuq il-pitazz tat-taħriġ.

Oxford Reading Tree Online

I'm sure most of the children came home all excited about the interactive software we are using at school.

Click HERE

On the left hand side, there are two boxes for the 'username' and 'password'. Most of the children know how to input these by heart now. I won't publish the username and password (for which the school has paid for) on this blog, for obvious reasons, but you can find them on your children's email address.

Please start from 'reception'. Do not use Year 1 and Year 2 yet.

Thanks and Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Solid Shapes - Also known as 3-d shapes.

The Shapes.

At the moment we are studying the following shapes :

cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, cone, triangular prism.

here is a handout with some flashcards so maybe the children can remember the names better.  **CLICK**


Dawn huma importanti ħafna għax it-tfal
jidraw isebbħu l-kitba krejattiva tagħhom.

Għad dar iridu jaħdmu Malti Manija (g u o) paġni 12 u 13. It-tfal fil-klassi ħeġġiġthom li jużaw daqxejn l-immaġinazzjoni, u ma jiktbux 'kbir, zgħir, sabiħ' biss għal kull kelma li jkollhom.

Aġġettivi ppt

Hawn taraw presentazzjoni dwar l-aġġettivi

Friday, November 6, 2009

The homework

We've got a handout, where we have to compare stuff (and people) in the house to our one metre length. Then we have to write 'longer' or 'shorter' on the handout. 

Fuq il-MaltiManija (g u o) tridu taħdmu l-eżerċizzji tal-Maskil u Femminil. 
U f'ġieh kemm hemm....aqraw it-titlu u l-istruzzjonijiet li hemm fuq il-ktieb qabel ma tibdew tfattru!!

Għandkom ukoll xi ħendawts tal-Ambjent...pinġuhom u lestuhom halli nhar it-tnejn naħdmu fuqhom. :)

Studjaw ix-xhur tas-sena u aqraw Id-Denfil 'Kif taqsam' u l-istorja ta' warajha.

For the weekend

Today we did a lot of work on Global Warming, for our school comenius project. Here is one of the things that we did.

All our work related on 'green issues' will be put here, together with the other year threes' work.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

L-Aħħar Bidwi...

Iċċekjaw l-email inbox tat-tfal għax bgħattilhom il-kollegament (link) biex inizzlu mp3 tal-kanzunetta li kantaw huma stess. :)


(jew inkella ibgħatu pendrive/cd l-iskola u ntihielkom xorta)

jew klikjaw hawn

Today's Homework.

Children have study list 4 in their English Study copybook. Please study this a little bit every day, that's how you get the best results.

On the Maths squares copybook, they have to draw lines according to the measurments given. This time the lines are vertical.

Children have to get a 1 metre length (not more, not less) of string or ribbon, to use for a measuring exercise.

Way Ahead Workbook, pages 16, 17, 18.

On their Maltese composition they have a few sentences, which they have to copy correctly on a neat piece of paper.

I have a copy of 'L-Aħħar Bidwi f'Wied il-Għasel' on my drive, sung by the children. They will do a performance in front of teachers who are visiting our school for the Comenius project. If you want a copy of this recording, please send the pen-drive to school, so your child can practise over the weekend. Many thanks.


Here is what we are doing at the moment. It's very important that children learn how to use measuring tools properly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Illum tkellimna fuq il-Qaddisin kollha (1 ta' Novembru) u l-mejtin tagħna (2 ta' Novembru. It-tfal iridu jsibu stampi tal-Qaddisin favoriti (eż Santa Liena) u fuq il-paġna l-oħra jridu jsibu xi ritratti ta' nies li jafu u li mietu jew jiktbu isimhom.

Malti Taħriġ.

Illum qrajna l-istorja tad-Denfil 'Li Kieku'. It-tfal iridu jwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet fuq din l-istorja. Illum bdejna sistema differenti, li t-tfal jiktbu l-mistoqsijiet l-ewwel, u t-tweġibiet wara. Għalhekk mintomx ser taraw linji vojta bejn mistoqsija u oħra.

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