Friday, January 15, 2010

Homework for the weekend.

Malti : Aqraw l-ewwel żewġ stejjer minn Senduq Buffuri.

PCM : Għandkom ħafna homework fuqu, imma kollu ħafif. p 33*, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24 u 25.

Il-Ġimgħa d-dieħla ser nibdew id-doubles...inħeġġiġkom tistudjawhom ftit.

Għandkom daqsxejn extra work hawn :

Tens and units


Doubles and near doubles (dawn il-ġimgħa d-dieħla ser nibdewhom imma min irid, jista' jara x'ħa nagħmlu).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homework for today.

English Language (has or have) very important!!! See the Study copybook for notes.

I, You, We, They take HAVE
He, She, It (other people on their own) take HAS.
Handwriting : The CAPITALS. Please write neatly. Capital Letters do not join to the rest of the word. I want super neat.

Maths : Counting in tens (easy peasy) on Abacus 2 pages 1 and 2

The Quarter past : See notes. Be very careful that quarter past the small hand is just after the number...SEE NOTES.

Please look at this carefully :

Monday, January 11, 2010

Farmer Duck

The story is incomplete, but here goes...
This is what we wrote today.

L-Arloġġi. Nota importanti.

It-tfal għandhom l-arloġġi fuq il-pitazz tal-Matematika. Il-'half past' qed isibuh ftit tqil x'uħud minnhom. Ħalluhom jużaw arloġġ ta' vera (bil-makkinarju ġewwa) ħalli jitgħallmuh aħjar.
Meta l-ħin ikun (eż) it-tlieta w'nofs, il-kbira tkun fuq is-6 u ż-żgħira tkun bejn it-3 u l-4. Dan hu importanti ħafna li tifhmuh għax ma nkunux nistgħu  nimxu għall-'quarter to'.

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