Friday, November 26, 2010

I watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse everyday before school

Homework for the weekend.

Insejna niktbu d-diary imma kellkom miktub fuq il-pitazzi, allura suppost kulħadd jaf x'għandu jagħmel.
Għall dawk li ma kitbux...
Abacus Workbook għandkom 3 paġni :
+10 tal-ħelu
 next 3 even/odd numbers 
plus using pairs of 10
Malti : L-invit (Ħendawt 2)
English : Way Ahead Unit 5, first 2 pages.
Social Studies workbook : ''Xi ħaġa fuqi''
Nispera li ma jkunx hemm problemi...
Kif tlestuh, gawdu l-weekend. Jien hawn inkun, naħdem, min irid, jista' jsaqsini xi ħaġa, inwieġbu.
Illum morna tajjeb bil-provi tar-reċta. Komplu sejrin hekk u tieħdu gost.
Miss Claudine.
Today I saw Bob the builder on youtube so I embed it on the blog.
by Wayne

Tom and Jerry

I like Tom and Jerry . It is very funny.

Baby looney tunes Video

This is Baby Looney tunes. Some times I watch it on T.V.

Goodbye :)

I like Sylvester and Tweety

Sylvester and Tweety make me laugh!!

Alice In Wonderland Video

This is a video Alice In wonderland. This video is very cool :)


Hello my name is Cheyenne.

A film I watched.

I like watching Tom and Jerry on T.V


My name is Carl. This is the Xarolla windmill. It has six sails.
I went with my teacher and my friends. It was a great day.
On some days I watch barney on D.V.D or in Youtube

A very good website.

Here is a website full of stories and fun games to play. I really like it.

Tell me what you think!

A film I watched...

This is a great movie. I went to the cinema with my friends. Andy goes to college and leaves his toys behind...
The story is funny and a bit sad too. It is Toy Story 3.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Six dinner Sid poster by Christabelle V.

Aktar xogħol fuq il-Mithna.

Dan xogħol Yolana

Dan mingħand Cheyenne Parnis.

U din mingħand Crystalmar.


Jiena fil-karnival :)


Hello my name is Yolana

Goodbye :)

Hello this is me in my classroom.


My name is Cassidy


My name is Eleanor


my name is cassidy


My name is Wayne


My name is Isaac


My name is Rachelle


hello my name is yanies


My name is samira


My name is JadeElena


My name is Christian

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Żjara lejn il-Mitħna tax-Xarolla.

Qed naħdmu biex inġibu l-fonts tal-Malti fit- 2Simple, imma għalissa qed naħdmu mingħajrhom. It-tfal vera għamlu xogħol sabih, min postcard, min gazzetta, min poster, vera kuntenta. Hawn xi ftit mix-xogħol li għamlu. Ir-ritratti ttieħdu kollha mit-tfal permezz tal-Intel Classmate :)

Din hi l-poster ta' Luca Stivala.

Din hi l-gazzetta ta' Eleanor.

                                                         Din hi l-poster ta' Wayne.

Għandi aktar xogħol, imma rrid nikkoreġih l-ewwel. Nispera li jkolli ċ-ċans u ntellgħu hawn. Prosit tassew lil kulħadd. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Here's today's lesson...

How to add using friends of ten (also known as pairs of ten)

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