Friday, November 27, 2009

Araw tistghux tifhmu minn hawn.

Dan hu kif ser naħdmu s-somom il-ġimgħa d-dieħla.

Homework for the Weekend.

 English Comprehension : David's Holiday.

I got the children to underline all the answers from the passage...but they are not numbered, so they will have to use their heads a bit. I wanted to help them a little, since this is a 'harder' comprehension.

Maths Sums.
I only just started these, and I gave only a few sums, because they are quite hard. 

8 + 6 =
********         ******               
First find the friends of 10
8 + 2 + 4
Then add whatever is left to make 6
******** **  ****  
8 and 2 make 10
10 and 4 = 14

( I will post a youtube of the process after school....don't panic!)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A big thankyou!

A big thankyou to all the mummies and daddies who came along for parents evening today. I am very happy teaching your children and I have full faith in your work and support. We had 100% parent attendance, and all parents are just great! What more can a teacher say but....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Xogħol tal-Malti.


Agħti l-Plural.

1. Tifla ferħana
1. Bniet ferħanin.

2. Perit magħruf.
2. Periti magħrufin.

eċċ...fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti lingwa.

Maths homework

Exercise 1 :

Children are given two numbers and they have to find any two numbers that are in between

E.g :

10        21          24           36

Exercise 2:

Children are given 2 numbers.

They have to arrange them smallest first.

Then they have to find an ODD number that goes between these two numbers.

36    21 >    21  smallest          33 odd number in between            36 largest

Ir-Regoli tal-Malti

Ma nafx tafux, imma ilna xi żmien b'xi regoli ġodda tal-Malti.

Għal min jinteressah, hemm xi reviżjonijiet fuq kif jinkitbu ċerta kliem, tistgħu tarawh hawn

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's Homework

Malti : Illum għamilna komponiment l-iskola fuq 'Il-Ħabib tiegħi', bl-iskop li jintużaw l-aġġettivi li tgħallimna matul dawn il-ġimgħatejn. It-tfal jridu jikkupjawha fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti kitba (xi wħud lestewha l-iskola) u jpinġu stampa ta' dal-ħabib/ħabiba fuq il-Malti kitba wkoll.

Malti Taħriġ : Aqraw l-istorja ta' Ġaħan u l-Bieb.

Aħdmu t-taħriġ li hemm fuq il-Malti taħriġ, u tagħmlux bħal Ġaħan!
Maths : The in-between numbers.
Page 23 : you have two numbers already filled up, you have to put in any number in between

e.g : 17   21   23

You can choose 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 ... any one of these.

On page 24, you have to arrange the smaller number first, and the larger number on the last fish. Then do the same as page 23.

Little homework??

Download this handout   and work it out. :)

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