Friday, October 15, 2010

And again...we've learnt new things!

Today we've learnt how to use Mythware, an Intel facility that allows teacher to send files, chat to individual pupils, recieve files, do tests that get corrected automatically, and lots more. We have done a comprehension test. I don't do this for grading's sake, but for the sake of it being a reading exercise. The children love it, they love the quick response and the efficiency of the system.
I've also managed to silence a few pupils, which was quite funny too.
So now there are three ways by which we can send and recieve files. By, by email and via the mythware. Each child will have her own file on my computer, and all their work will be stored there. I can correct the work and send it back to them, so they can see where they need to revise.

Here's a few bits they sent me today :)

Autumn by Wayne.

My rabbit - Photo taken by Christabelle Vella.

I've got lots of other files, but I need to convert them to jpg before putting them over here.
I just wanted to give you an idea of what's going to happen in the near future with my class of lovely seven year olds.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

X'għamilna llum.

Illum bdejna l-ġurnata bil-kbir. Ilbieraħ rajna video fuq youtube fuq il-Ħarifa u tkellimna ħafna fuq dan l-istaġun. Wara għamilna koċċ punti biex niktbu l-istorja fuq il-pitażż tal-Malti. Kemm ktibtu sentenzi sbieh. Naf li kelli ngħinkom mhux ħażin fl-ortografija (spelling), imma ma jimpurtax, jekk tkomplu taqraw, titgħallmu tiktbu ħafna aħjar.

Wara għamilna daqxejn lezzjoni oħra fuq il-flus. Nispera li biż-żmien tidrawhom aħjar. Ħafna minnkom fehmuhom diġa'.
Sempliċi...kemm tiftakru li hemm 100 muniti tal-1ċ f'Ewro, 50 tat- 2ċ eċċ eċċ.

Wara kellna lezzjoni tal-Ingliż fuq 'This and That'. Mortu tajjeb ukoll. Tkellimtu ħafna bl-Ingliż. Tidhru li ħadtu gost.

Imbagħad kellna lezzjoni bl-ARTRAGE. Kollha pinġejtu stampi sbieħ tal-Ħarifa. Hawn hi tiegħi. Ara x'jidhrilkom. Tagħkom ħafna isbaħ, imma jekk inkompli niprattika, jirnexxieli nsir brava daqskom. :)

Ma naqsux waqt il-brejk il-logħob fuq siti li tħobbu intom ( u xi oħrajn), u rajna żewġ episodji qosra ta' Tom and Jerry. Kemm dħaqna hux!

Kellna ġurnata sabiħa ħafna. Grazzi.

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