Friday, January 22, 2010

This weekend's homework

Qabel ma nikteb il-homework, nixtieq ngħid grazzi lit-tfal għax vera ħadna gost u dħaqna illum.

Issa ġej il-homework :D

Way Ahead page 46, 47, 48, 49.

My stories : Animal Tails : Find pictures of Animals with tails.

Maths 1.

Denfil (Qari) : paġna 38 u 39

Dal-weekend idħlu fil-blog għax ser issibu affarjiet *interessanti*

Thursday, January 21, 2010


For all your support.

This Blog/class website has been an insipiration and a beacon to many others.

(and I credit and thank those who have inspired me, classroom2.0,

We have







youtubed and vimeo'd (we've had our channel for ages)

facebooked (yes we are there too)

webcammed (*gulp*)

we've had important visitors

but the

most important

are the 20 little ones in my care and their parents..

In the space of a few months, we've been  downloaded  more than1000 times. So say my statistics.

So for coming here, day in, day out...
a big

I really should get a hit counter. And maybe a few google adverts to increase traffic, maybe in the region of 17,000 *cough* (I raise my left eyebrow).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Il-Miss tinsab konferenza...

Illum qed nimmisjakom ħafna għax bħalissa ninsab f'post fejn qed nara kif nista' nsir teacher aħjar. :)

Nispera li kontu bravi mat-teachers l-oħra.

Kien hemm ħafna nies li faħħrukom u qalu kiemm intom bravi.

Jekk tridu, tistgħu tibghatuli email u għiduli kif intom illum :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sit tajjeb għat-tfal.

Kemm -il darba tiftħu t-TV u l-aħbarjiet ikunu wisq għat-tfal tagħkom.

Sibtilkom sit fejn l-aħbarjiet ikunu reali u tajbin, imma b'diskors u stampi addattati għat-tfal.

1 Euro.

For the children of Haiti.

From each child in our college.

Can we do it?

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