Friday, October 8, 2010

Whirlwind Week.

It's been a great week. There's so much we've learnt!

This week we've learnt how to send emails, download files, take photos, draw posters using artrage and most importantly, how to save our work.

Today we used new software called 2Simple, with Miss Tanya. It's just awesome.

Start - All programmes - 2Simple Software - 2 Publish+ - 2 Publish+ again.
Use the postcard. Flip the postcard. Click on the camera. Take a photo. Flip again. Write about the photo. Click on the arrow at the bottom of the screen. Right Click the stamp. Choose a photo from your capture folder. SAVE YOUR WORK.

More info here :

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What we did today :)

Today we did the English alphabet lesson, it was fun seeing the children browsing through their wordlists and getting the words for each letter. They did really well. Then I proceeded to the 'a' or 'an' lesson. I sent them a link on their emails, where they could download a flipchart Miss Tanya, our IT support, did for us.
Always remember to download only from 'safe' people (like your teacher).
Always remember the location you are saving this file. I told them to save on 'My Documents'.
Children had to close the e-mail program and open ActivInspire. Then they go File - Open - My Documents - A or An.
At first I thought it didn't work, but they need to give time for the classmate to load the flipchart. It should work fine.
Earlier in the day, we also did a lesson on Nazareth, and another lesson on Pairs of ten, for which they have this wonderful game to play.
Click HERE

It was a good day, the children are motivated with our technology and are learning fast. I'm enjoying it too, and I really hope that you do as well.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Video we watched today.

Today we learnt about Nazareth. We saw it on Google Earth (download it) and we saw this video, about the Church of Our Lady.

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