Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Day at Ċentru Tbexbix.

Ċentru Tbexbix is a beautiful house situated in the heart of Cospicua. It is run by volunteers. It is a place where children feel happy and calm. Where they can learn new things and meet people from different countries.

Here are some shots from this lovely day.

Friday, April 8, 2011

pied piper

Dawn biċċiet mill-istorja tal- Pied Piper. L-istorja ta' Pied Piper qegħda hekk: Darba kien hemm raħal kollu ġrieden. Darba waħda kien hemm raġel jismu Pied Piper. Dan ir-raġel kien għamel affarijiet tal-għaġeb, keċċa l-ġrieden kollha minn ġo Ħamelin.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pied Piper

My muffin babies.

Today we had a little Banquet, just like the folk in the Pied Piper story.
I think you all deserved a little break, because you work so hard. Every now and then we do something to celebrate what's good in our class. 
I have 23 very good reasons to celebrate.
So soda, popcorn, crisps, coconut balls, muffins, smarties and all the works were on the menu.
Here's a picture of my muffin monkeys.
Much love and God Bless you all xxx
Miss C.
My Muffin Monkeys <3

Pied Piper


Dan l-iljunfant bsaħtu w kannella. tant li hu bzaħtu li-jista għanka iwaqqa siġra gbira ħafna.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Dan Iljunfant. L-iljunfant annimal kbir u b'sahhtu hafna, tant li jista' jwaqqa' sigra. Huwa jixrob hafna ilma. Dan kannella u ghandu widnejh zghar.


Dan farfett ikkulurit hafna. Ihobb jiekol il-qalba tal fjura.


Ic-cerv huwa annimal li joghgobni hafna, specjalment il qrun kbir tieghu.


Din tigra. It-tigra orangjo u ghandha linji suwed. Hija annimal tal-kacca.


Dan l-iljunfant huwa kannella, b'sahhtu w ghandu widnejh zghar. Jista jwaqqa sigra u hu jixrob hafna ilma.

Din jiena Samira.

Din jiena Samira sammut.

Monday, April 4, 2011

La nikber...

New Blog Features.

Our class blog just keeps growing and growing!

As you can notice, above the posts you can see new headings, the newest one, 'Homeworks' will give you the day's homework. This tab will be taken care of by a different child each week. For this week, I chose Wayne Borg, who has been given Administrator Status. This means he can not only write on the blog, but also Edit posts and pages. I wanted to do this so all of you can get the website administrator experience. Wayne, for this week, will write all the homeworks for you. Next week I will choose somebody else. If you are interested, just drop me an email, and I will put you in the queue.

Well done to all of you for your dedication and hard work. It's a true pleasure being your teacher.

Lots of love,

Miss Claudine.





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