Friday, October 16, 2009

Handouts for Extra work.

Here are all the handouts available on this blog. Some might be a bit hard for you at the moment, but there are lots of easy ones. Have a good look at them before printing. 


letter k

alphabetical order

tens and units

threes and fives

maths crossword

ten and under



animal nouns

addition squares


thing nouns

tens and units words and numbers

tens and unit blocks


subtraction crossword

fours skip counting

place nouns

number words

I will add more links and I'll keep repeating this post often :)

Happy extra-working xx

For the Weekend.

English Composition : Copy the story 'Myself' from the rough paper to the copybook.

Abacus page 10. See notes on Maths study. The children are now counting different coins.

Malti Manija p 2 u 3 Nies tax-xogħol.

Qari: Denfil pġ 13.

Study : List 1 from English study copybook (good morning etc)

A big thankyou to all the parents who attended the meeting today. It was a pleasure meeting you all. May I remind those who did not come to please provide a 120 wide lined copybook, with a purple cover, called 'Study Skills'.  

Miss Claudine.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today's diary.

Today is St.Theresa's day.

May the 'Little Flower' bring blessings to our children.
Here is something I showed in class today.

Now for the business of homework. 

Malti Manija Paġni pġ4, pġ5 (artiklu) pġ6 (nomi)

Maths Copybook 3 (money...see the Maths notes if stuck)

English Way Ahead Workbook page 8 (it's about numbers, easy :)

English Handout 'The man and the ant' on English Comp. copybook.
Please do not write on handout because I need to collect them back.

Some children might come home with the homework ready, just for today.

Thanks :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Fuq il-pitazz għandhom in-noti fuq l-artiklu.

Ix-Xemxin jieħdu l-ewwel ittra tal-kelma.

eż : Iċ-ċirasa.

Il-Qamrin jieħdu il-

eż : Il-ballun.

Il-vokali jieħdu l-

eż : l-anġlu

Ċerta kliem jieħdu l- u i quddiem il-kelma

eż : l-ispalliera.

Fil-klassi għamilna aktar prattika fuq dawn, 'il quddiem ser nagħmlilkom ftit ħendawts biex tniżżluhom minn hawn.


Please refer to this blog post. Today we had some money practise in class. Children need to know how to convert a euro into fifty cent coins let them play with the small change in your purse, it will help them no end.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today we did a small lesson on nouns, the first of many on nouns.

Here is the power point presentation we saw.

It was made by Mrs. Rita Barbara, and I thank her so much for sharing her work with us.
Children have homework on the English Language Copybook.

My Stories Homework.

Today we read a book called 'Try Again Emma'.

Then we wrote a story on our 'My stories' project book.

For homework, children have to draw a poster for a toy shop on the coloured page.

Social Studies homework - Id-Dinja Tiegħi.

1) Homework is for MONDAY 19 TH OCTOBER.

2) Children have to fill in their answers on the Project Book and stick pictures according to their answers.

e.g :  Annimal Favorit : tigra (stick picture of tiger)

For those who haven't yet covered the Project Book, please cover in brown paper and stick a picture that relates to environment, yourself, play, Birkirkara etc...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Handwriting practise.

I found a good site that will enable you to print worksheets which will help your child to write in cursive writing.

The yellow dot on each worksheet will show you where the letter should start.

Choose the letters you want to practise, then click 'Make worksheet'. You will see the worksheet in a few seconds.

File > Print :)

Here is a handout to practise the letter k.

Otto's Family.

I've given the children four sheets of paper which are going to become our first book.

They are to stick the pages from 'Otto's Family' onto these pages, according to the page numbers.

Title page (no pictures, just writing and drawing)

Page 1 : Father

Page 2 : Mother

Page 3 : Brother

Page 4 : Sister

Page 5 : Grandma

Page 6: Grandpa.

We will write on these books accordingly during our English writing sessions.

A very important Maths Lesson.

Today we learnt about Euro Coins. Children will need to know by heart the following facts.

One Euro coin :

Is equal to

Two Fifty euro cent coins

2 X


Five Twenty euro cent coins

5 X

Ten Ten cent coins.

10 X

Twenty Five cent coins
20 X

Fifty Two cent coins

50 X

and a Hundred One Cent coins.

100 X

They have all the notes on the Maths study copybook. They have to study also how many coins (10c, 5c, 2c, 1c) make up a 50 euro cent coin.

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